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Northland Woodturners Group - KC

(A Proud Chapter of the American Association of Woodturners Since 2001)

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Wood Sources

Amazon Exotic Hardwoods James Lee's Exotic Woods

Ancient Kauri Kingdom Ancient kauri information (New Zealand)

Choice Woods Clay Johnson's Site

Colorado Alabaster Not wood, but turnable

Constantines Veneer and decorative inlay source

Eisenbrand Hardwoods Exotic lumber source

Exotic Burl big leaf maple burl

Gilmer Wood Company figured exotic woods

Griffin Exotic Wood

Hawaiian Hardwoods Direct

Hearne Hardwoods

Internet Lumber

MacBeath Hardwoods

Pacific Hardwoods ancient kauri North American supplier

Randle Woods curly and quilted maple

Tropical Exotic Hardwoods of Latin America, LLC

Thuya Burl source for thuya burl

Urban Lumber Co. source for locally harvested lumber

World Timber Corporation

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Kansas City Woodturners Another local woodturning club here in the Kansas City area

Independence Woodturners Another local woodturning club here in the Kansas City area

Rec.Crafts.Woodturning Google woodturning newsgroup 

Creative Woodturners II MSN segmented and stave club

World of Woodturners MSN woodturning club

Creative Woodturners Yahoo segmented and stave club

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The Art of Segmented Wood Turning: A Step-By-Step Guide by Malcolm Tibbetts. Malcolm's book should be on every segmented woodturner's bookshelf. Highly recommended.

Beyond Basic Turning by Jack Cox.  Has some good ideas.  

Segmented Lathe Bowl Plan Ray Allen shows how to build a Southwestern inspired bowl. This is a WOOD Magazine reprint. Very good article. April 1989 issue.  Nice design.

Laminated Designs in Wood by Clarence Rannfeld.  This book is not for the meek.  Has some very good ideas.  

Polychromatic Assembly for Woodturning by Emmett E. Brown and Cyril Brown.

Segmented Turning: A Complete Guide by Ron Hampton.  Ron's book is a great book for beginning and intermediate segmented woodturners.

Segmented Wood Turning by William Smith.  Bill's book is mostly about open segment bowl construction and is well worth reading. 

Woodturning with Ray Allen: A Master's Designs and Techniques for Segmented Bowls & Vessels by Dale Nish. Dale has written a wonderful book about Ray Allen, the segmented turning master. A must have.

Nice article on Log orientation and how it affect the look of your bowls and hollow forms (pdf file).

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